Atlantik Gemi

Safety & Environment Policy

Safety & Environment Policy

First Thing is the Safety on Our Operations

Atlantik Gemi recognizes that the operation of vessels involves a risk to the health and safety of its employees, to third parties, and the environment. The Company is responsible for minimizing such risks by:

  • Conducting its business affairs, such that all decision making takes full account of safe vessel operations.
  • Ensuring that the managed vessels are operated in accordance with National, and International Maritime Legislation, regarding safety and environmental protection measures.
  • Employing competent and suitably qualified Personel, who are able to effectively supervise and carry out safety and environmental protection, as defined in the SMM operating procedures.
  • Providing suitable training for Personel to facilitate the effecti safety and environmental performance policy


The Company will focus on the global perspective of its activities, which have a major impact on the environment. Such activities and aspects will be revised, and if necessary replaced frequently, to ensure the continuous improvement of the SMM, and the Company’s performance

Safety and Environmental Performance Policy is based on the requirements of:

  • The ISM Code
  • ISO 14001
  • ISO 45001