Atlantik Gemi

Health Policy

Health Policy

Our Priority is to Protect Employee Health

Atlantik Gemi recognizes the importance of the commitment of all employees to high standards in respect of personal health and hygiene. The workplace, whether at sea or ashore, must be kept in a condition which will ensure that good standards of health are maintained at all times.

We are convinced, that helping to sustain our employees’ healthy lifestyles will enhance productivity and reduce cases of illness resulting in potentially decreased company performance.

Occupational Health risks shall be eliminated and highest hygiene standards ought to be maintained throughout the whole employment of the operating procedures.

  • Monitoring the effectiveness of shipboard safety and environmental performance and the related procedures.
  • Utilising the accident and pollution prevention measures, by conducting investigations of shipboard accidents/incidents and using the recommendations to prevent re-occurrence.
  • Maintaining contingency plans to be used in the event of emergency situations.

Health Policy is based on the requirements of:

  • The ISM Code
  • ISO 45001